Tuesday, March 3, 2015

"Picture perfect family"

 It has been hard enough not having the full support of my blood family behind me and supporting me during the most rewarding and difficult time of my life of the next year. I had my frist big emotional breakdown today. PREGO PROBS!!!! 

 But after talking to a few amazing, incredible friends that I realize are the only support and love I need, besides from B or course. These people who have brightened  up my spirits! I just want to thank you all, you know who you are. I realized I have another family. These incredible individuals who all create our wild, party, dysfunctional family and the most amazing people you will ever meet. 

Some understand the difficulties of being pregnant at a young age and the stuggles of losing friends while during the process, or fear of losing those who matter when I leave next year to be with my love and have our new young family be all together. 

Stress has lately been taking over my life, but these friends of mine cleared out the gray sky's and showed me some sunshine and I realized how lucky I am and I love you all! I really wouldn't be able to do this without you all! 

Especially after the heartbreaking "family" drama that has been hovering around, I know not all families are "picture perfect" but I just have been hurt by the lies that came up and of course went from one person to another to another than passed along to my mother who then came to me. When families should be able to be open with one another. I'm not mad, I am not pissed off, just hurt. 

I get to see B soon & our California family in just a short 9 days! I can wait! It's exactly when I need. 

Fingers crossed, I love my family members all of them, I hope we can return to being open with one another and return to our loyalty and trust we all once had. This just was one less thing I do not need to add to my plate..

Keep you updated.. 

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