Friday, March 20, 2015

C A L I F ☀️ R N I A #goodvibes #truelove


 After three very long weeks apart finally got to go spend the weekend in California and see my partner in crime and the man who stole my heart!❤️ Felt so good to see his face and hold him close. Besides getting to see my bestfriend it was so nice spending the weekend surrounded by the people who love us and support us the most. Our friend-family. They are the most loving, creative and amazing group of people. We have come together and created an amazing bound, all brought together by our love for music and how it frees your soul!🎶 


 Went to the first Crssd festival in sunny San Diego California, I have to say being pregnant and at a festival all day was a very long and tiring day! But I kept up with my wild crew and enjoyed every minute surrounded by good vibes and lots of love. Being younger and with mine and Bs relationship being not the norm ( and I like it that way) a lot of people have been the most supportive of us or us starting a family, we brush those negative people away, we know what we have and when you want something bad enough nothing can get in the way.


 With life being a little crazy lately and being overwhelmed this weekend was exactly what I needed. I am so proud of B and how hard he works and how strong of a person he is. He makes me so proud. It will be almost three weeks again until I get to see him again, it sure isn't easy and with time getting closer and closer to him leaving my heart gets heavy with the thought of him leaving. But as soon as I see his smiling face and he puts his arms around me and holds me tight all of it goes away and in the some what near future we will no longer be separated by miles and miles between us. I can not wait for the day when I get to wake up to him every morning. I am so lucky to have such an amazing bestfriend and love like B. 


 I have loved before, but never like this. He brings me up, always puts my first and makes me want to be the best me I can be. We know becoming parents won't be easy, and it's a little scary, but we are in this for the forever and always. I wish I could re-live the weekend all over again but the next time I get to see him will be just as amazing. We didn't get much alone time this weekend so I am looking forward to our alone time our next visit. I could lay in a bed and talk to him for hours and hours about everything, I love this outlook on life. He is one the strongest, intelligent and positive men I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I think about the first time we met all the time and how crazy it is were it has brought us. I am not a very religious person but I thank god everyday for bringing him into my life and showing me I am worthy of being loved and showing me real love exist in more than just fairytales it may not be as pretty and easy as in a fairytale but B and I.. Our story is a story of love, determination, honesty, trust and a hell of a lot of good times! I can't wait to spend my life with my bestfriend. I love you B, be safe during training I will be thinking of you every day till our little family is reunited , I will fight for you forever babe. 

❤️ forever & always 

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