Friday, February 27, 2015

On the boat..


  This sure is not easy having B be gone out on the ship doing training and not being able to get ahold of him. I had an emergency trip to the hospital the other day. Luckily everything is fine and baby is going fine, but I have been on bed rest and no gym for me for at least a week. Which is a huge bummer but good vibes and prayers have kept baby in good health.


  The hardest part of the whole experience was not having B around or being able to get ahold of him. He had a way of calming me down and making everything better. Of course I left him a voice message freaking out which I feel horrible about and I left another making sure he knew both me and baby are doing fine. It's just so hard not having him around. I miss him so much. Miss his silly jokes, that handsome smile and the way he just holds me in his arms.❤️I am so luck to have him, I just hate his training time out on the "boat" and boat I mean big ass ship! I know he has to do the training for when he deploys so he can be safe and return back home to me and baby B. I just never thought I would be with someone in the service.. Or be strong enough to deal with the distance and how difficult it can be. But besides the difficulty, the worry and the loneliness I wouldn't trade what I have with B for anything in the world. Your amazing B and I love you so much. I can wait to see you .. Just about 15 more days and I'll be able to jump into those strong arms and kiss you! I think about you all the time and I can't wait for us to be one family under one roof under neath the California night sky. A&B always & forever.💞

I love you B.

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