Saturday, March 21, 2015

Baby news update!! #babynews #girl #newmom #hipmomtobe


   Ahhhhh!!! Nerves are flying!! Finished editing these amazing pictures my girlfriend took on my iPhone in her backyard just so fun and turned out so well! Just shows a great picture doesn't need a big fancy camera or a super fancy loactions or thousands of dollars for a "photographer" be yourself, be creative and just have fun with your pictures and photoshoots! 

 BUT... Back to my crazy nerves! I just sent a select handful of the pictures I took at yesterday's little photo shoot, edited them and sent them to B!!! Eeek!!! I know he will be very excited and of course his usual supportie self! But I know he no WE wanted a boy and a slight moment after finding out we were having a girl I did have that small moment of disappoint, but the overwhelming happiness that filled my heart and my whole body oh knowing she was going to be perfect and she was our baby brought so much happiness and excitement to me. I hope B feels that same overwhelming happiness after im sure his worry no he has a daughter to protect! I have been glued to my email since I sent them out only 5 minutes ago which seems to be a life time! I hope he gets on a computer and can see them soon waiting to know if he has seen them out not is driving me crazy! I am not the most patient person in the world! A skill I need to master with becoming a Navy wife!❤️⚓️❤️⚓️❤️⚓️❤️⚓️❤️⚓️❤️⚓️❤️
            Out future is very bright. 

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