Friday, March 20, 2015

My simple steps happy, healthy self.

 Despite all the negative energy that's been lingering around me lately I have decided to put my best foot forward and surround myself with those who bring happiness and positive energy into my life. I figured out some steps to keep me going into the right direction. 

Step one:🍏 Eating healthier, the better I eat the better I feel. Which is basic knowledge but it feels great when you add it into your life, it's the simple things.

Step two: Like I said above surrounding myself with the right people, I think that's the biggest influence, happy people & supportive people, you can never have enough of them. It's a bad posin to have people who want to bring you down, it's something you learn at an early age but I don't think most people really take it to heart that positive people rise you up both physically and emotionally. 

Step three: Buy some new clothes! Or go get your hair done! I decided to do both! A new look & feel can change you in the most simple of ways! It's like shedding the old dry and unhappy you and letting your new happy confident self shine!  You should always shine, it doesn't have to be a big change! I simply got some new sports bras, a couple plain tank tops that fit and make my growing belly more flattering and a simple pull over that's bright and perfect for spring. It gave me an all new attitude this morning. 

Step four:💞My own personal and last step is having B by my side. He is so smart and can bring a smile to my face when I'm feeling at my lowest low. He's the one who reminds me no matter how close or who I thought was my "family" that if they are the ones bringing you down and not raising you up to be the best you then they are no family at all. B makes me want to be the best me I can, that I ever have been. Find your B, find your person who loves you for you and reminds you that you do shine! Those are the people you want in your life. 

Just let the haters hate, they obviously aren't happy with their own lives so they feel the need to try and bring you down. Be the bigger person, the better person, the happier person and keep on smiling and just be you! When you are true to yourself happiness comes naturally, along with people who will love you... For you!

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