Monday, February 16, 2015

My "little sister"

 I didn't know what to title this blog, just recently my little sister created a blog of her own. Her story is an amazing one to read about. Her life story out to read and learn about brought both happy tears and sad ones. I only knew so much of her struggle to become the great friend, mother, sister, wife that she is today. I wish I knew more, I wish I payed more attention. 

When we were little she dressed like me, acted like me did everything I did. But she is longer a little girl but a women that I look up to. I hope I am as good of a mother as her, her strength to handle the world on her shoulders is admirable. It's so great having a person like her to have for support and guidance. I love my sister, she's not blood, we don't look alike, we are two different people but we love the same people and love each other. Are once "small" group which included my parents, myself, my sister, my brother and my second parents. Just the seven of us for over twenty years slowly has turned into the twelve of us.. Well soon to be twelve still currently eleven. Those ten other people are my world, they have loved me at my best at my worst and support me with no hesitation! 

 Less than a year from today I'll be moving to California to be with Brian and so our little family can be together under one roof finally. 

 It's hard thinking about leaving my friends and family and everything I know, but the hardest will be not being around my sister for Netflix marathons, taco bell lunches and sunday family dinners. I know no distance could break what we worked so hard for. We weren't always close, we always didn't have trust but  just like real sisters fight we fought. We could fight that's for sure. But I would fight for her any day. She doesn't need me to stand up for her, she is tough but I wouldn't hesitate to have her back. 

Tor I respect you so much and I love you, a love deeper than love for people who come from the same blood. You are an amazing friend, mother you always have me laughing and you never fail to give me your opinion..even if it was wanted. 

My little sister is my role model.👭
The Balleweg-Jeras-Roby women. From far left, myself, my mom, my second mom, my sister who was pregnant with babe cope and my future sister-in-law. Also known as My Family💞

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