Friday, November 21, 2014

Getting started

    My first ever blog post, this is definitely interesting and takes some adjusting to. But basically I wanted to create this blog for my own personal desire to write about my big adventure, and how my life is going to change 100% over the next year. Mostly all positive changes, but even a change for the better still brings on nerves and sadness. Beginning of this year I met someone who has changed me and my life for the better. Not to say I am a horrible person but I certainly am no saint. In May 2014 I met a guy who has brought so much happiness and adventure into my life that for the first time in a long time I am very excited for the future.  Which brings me to the start of a very exciting adventure and new chapter In my life! MOVING BACK TO CALIFORNIA! I was born in Santa Rosa, but Phoenix Arizona has been my home pretty much most of my life. Arizona has everything & everyone I know. But after 24 long hot summers in the Arizona sun I'm ready to change in my mountain views for an ocean view! This time next year I'll be packing up and just waiting for Brian to get back from his deployment and a truly exciting adventure will be starting. ☀️🌵➡️🌊

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