Saturday, January 3, 2015

Long holiday season✨❤️

Hope everyone had a great and safe holiday season! Finally home from California where I spent ringing in the New Year with my amazing corman in downtown San Diego and spent the first day of 2015 at the happiest place on earth! Only after taking a small trip to the hospital, only due to my lack of balance on heels with alcohol. My boyfriend is a great person and he was such a trooper spending Christmas with my wild and weird family. I'm very lucky to have him. One thing that wasn't so jolly, while in California we got into our first fight.😕 All is well and the past is the past, we all know couples fight. Our fight luckly didn't ruin our chemistry & pleasant trip together. 

 Our fight left an uneasy feeling with me, he has a stressful week ahead & we both have had a lot on our plate which has made both of us stressed and exhausted! It's only a short four months before he deploys for seven months! What seemed to be so far away is getting closer and closer. Plus with all that he has a scheduled sixty-four days at sea. Long distance relationships are far from easy, but this is the most rewarding relationship I have ever been in. His kindness and generous heart puts a smile to my face. He makes me want to be a better person, to be able to offer all I can to such an amazing man. I get to see him over the coming up weekend and I want to surprise him with something small & useful that just shows him that I have him on mind. ( which he always is anyways) But besides dealing with my family over the holidays driving to Arizona  and back to California, paying for everything and being stubborn and not letting me help. He took care of me when I was sick, took me to the hospital, carried me out of the hotel New Year's Eve when I rolled my ankle. I don't want to just buy him a t-shirt, or a picture frame. Something he can use in the field & when he deploys that will be helpful and when he is using it might just make him think of me. I was thinking of getting him a new knife to have out in the field. But I know NOTHING about knives I have a small pocket knife that was $20 that can pretty much only cut and orange but it makes me feel safe. Brian definitely needs a knife that's better than that! Looked online to find some almost $700! I can't afford to do that but I don't want to buy him a u useful knife or one he won't be excited about. Men are so difficult to shop for! Wish me luck!